I am a Software Engineer at Cisco, working in the Collaboration Technology Group.
In 2012, I completed my PhD in the Agents, Interaction and Complexity (AIC) group of the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. My research was in the field of automated negotiation, and I was supervised by Professor Nicholas Jennings and Dr Enrico Gerding. More details about my PhD and a list of my publications are available.
In 2008, I was awarded a first class MEng in Computer Science also from the University of Southampton. As part of a group project carried out during this degree course, I was involved in the development of a system for the playback of recorded meetings, known as reMeet. After completing my degree, I worked as a Software Developer for a year.
Outside of my work, I have developed an interactive map of the University of Southampton, which uses the University's Open Data. My work has inspired others to further develop the map. My personal interests include photography.