This page lists some of the projects I have been involved in.-
Southampton Open Wireless Network (SOWN)
Community Wireless Network Project
I have been a member of the Southampton Open Wireless Network (SOWN) since 2007. More information about the network can be found at the SOWN Website.
Map for visualising open data
opendatamap source codeThe opendatamap application was initially developed for use at the University of Southampton, but has since been extended for other purposes.
opendatamap mymap
Tool for generating open geographical data
opendatamap mymap source codeThe opendatamap mymap application was developed as a tool to make it easy to generate openly licenceable geographic data. It allows users to build up a map of points of interest by dragging icons onto an Ordnance Survey OpenData map. Discussion of the limitations of existing tools, demonstrating the need for opendatamap mymap is included in a guest blog post which I wrote for the Southampton Open Data Blog.
Tool for aggregating event feeds from multiple sources into a single data set (in N-triples RDF format)
Event-Feed-Aggregator source codeEvent-Feed-Aggregator is used as the back-end for the University of Southampton Events Calendar.
Simple search tool to allow non-technical users to explore linked data stored in SPARQL endpoints
lod-search source codeDeveloped at an open data hack day held at the University of Southampton, lod-search is a search tool which makes it easier for non-technical people to search linked data stored in a SPARQL endpoint. It was developed by Colin Williams, Rikki Prince, Andy Newton and Andreas Galazis.
arduino currentcost bridge with LCD display
Arduino-based solution to upload data from a CurrentCost to the web
A simple project to upload data from a CurrentCost CC128 (which uses a baud rate of 57600) to the web using a nuelectronics ethernet shield (based on Microchip's ENC28J60 chip) and including an LCD display. More details about my arduino currentcost bridge with LCD display.
reMeet Meeting Playback System
The reMeet Meeting Playback System was developed by James Dimmock, Jonathan Knott, Jonathan Leach, Joel Overton and Colin Williams, under the supervision of Dr Mike Wald.